Monday, March 13, 2006

Hunter Update

This is an update from Hunters Mom Heather. Please continue to pray for him! God is GOOD!

"The news we have been praying for has arrived. The docs in Denver have informed us that they have located 7 10 of 10 molecular matches with enough cell volume in cord blood. This is amazing news. The next step is to further narrow down the 2 best matches. Then they are working on submitting for the insurance authorization. At that point, they will begin Hunter's final tests pre-transplant. I guess the time frame depends on how fast the insurance provides approval (I find it so annoying that our timing is based on insurance...) This is an answer to prayer. Now we need to pray that the very best cord for Hunter's body out of that 7 is the one they procure. One big step closer!!!!! We go in tomorrow morning and we will be scheduling the biopsy and I amassuming we will go ahead with the broviac(central line) insertion since the typing looks so good. I will let you know." ~ heather~

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