Friday, February 17, 2006

Please Pray for Hunter

Please pray for the Johnson Family and their son Hunter (on the right pictured here with his brother). He has Luekemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. Please pray they would find a donor right away and that Hunters white blood cell count would stabilize quickly. I met this dear family back in September at Erika and Darik's Wedding. Please pray for peace for the whole family as they walk through this valley together, pray for wisdom for the doctors, and for peace and comfort for Hunter. The following is an email from his Mother:

"I have had a few questions from a lot of people. First, is whether you can be tested to see if you match Hunter. If you call the Memorial Hospital blood bank (for those in Colo Spgs), I believe they do registrations for the National Marrow Donor Registry. It is unlikely that you would match Hunter, however if you would like to register to be a donor in his honor, we think that would be wonderful. What a great gift!!! The other question is how to find the information on Hunter's transplant fund. Go to and enter johnson in the box to locate his page. Thank your for the concern and desire to help Hunter. We are so blessed!!! In Love, Heather"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've known Hunter since he was born and his family since long before. I guess we always knew that things would get difficult right about this time. But it was so easy to forget because for years now he's seemed like such a normal, healthy boy. Not normal...exceptional. I cannot stop the tears from welling up. My heart was not made to handle things like this.